Thank You! Amen.

Thank You! Amen.

By Alen Malkoc

Thank You! Amen.

"Thank You! Amen."
This little prayer sums up exactly how our family feels this Thanksgiving.   We are grateful.   We are often asked what we do for a living and when we answer that we design and import textiles, people are often curious how in the world a family from rural Kentucky ended up in the textile business.

Well, like my Daddy would say, “True story, not enough time to tell it!"


The truth is this company was born from the faith, love and persistence of family.   The results are nothing short of humbling and we are beyond grateful for where this journey of hard work and passion has brought us.


This year has been especially exciting for us!  We just launched our new brand “Where the Polka Dots Roam” by Amadora and our new web-site to go with it!  Most of all, we have multiple new custom designs being added to the line over the next few months!  For us, it is the culmination of years of small failures outweighed by lessons learned, knowledge gained and tangible results.  


The “Thank You! Amen.” pillowcases are a design that came from my Mom and I discussing how important it is to begin and end your day with gratitude in your heart.  Saying your prayers of thanksgiving is a beautiful way to focus on that gratitude, but sometimes life is so hectic that you jump out of bed in the morning and don’t stop until your head hits the pillow that night. On those days, we concluded, you can it least find the time to say one simple, but very powerful prayer, “Thank you! Amen.” These pillowcases serve as a constant reminder to live in a state of gratitude, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day of the year. 


We feel so blessed that you have decided to make Where the Polka Dots Roam a part of your home and we give thanks for you!  As our little gift of thanks for your loyalty and support, we are happy to offer a free set of our “Thank You! Amen.” Pillowcases with your purchase of $25 or more this weekend!

From our home to yours ~ Thank You!  

*Free Pillowcase Set with $25 purchase will begin on Thanksgiving at Midnight! See you there!*